School Promo – Colombia2020-11-30T16:51:11+01:00


Free English licenses for schools – Colombia

Milton Education offers FREE digital licenses to any school in Mexico. We offer all our English Teaching products for
Primary and Secondary students and teachers, while the coronavirus crisis keeps our students and teachers at home. Let’s fight this virus!

For Primary Schools

Watch video instructions for teachers
  • 100% free for students to use at home while we all fight together against the coronavirus
  • Digital library of 500 short audiobooks in English graded in levels
  • Each book has its own comprehension quiz
  • Collection of 30,000 questions of vocabulary, grammar, listening, writing, reading and speaking
  • Fully digital textbooks in English
  • Ideal for 1st to 6th grade students
  • Teachers can create assignments for their students and track their individual progress
  • See more travelers product details here

For Secondary Schools

Watch video instructions for teachers
  • 100% free for students to use at home while we all fight together against the coronavirus
  • 300+ audiobooks and 200+ videos organised in 10 levels (A2 to C2), to engage your students in reading and listening in English
  • Readings include multiple up-to-date topics aligned with students’ interests, including 60 original excerpts from the classics of English literature
  • A complete set of 5 exercises after each reading helps the student improve language skills (comprehension, language use and writing)
  • Ideal for ESO / Bachillerato and FP students
  • Teachers can create assignments for their students and track their individual progress
  • See more eagles product details here

Steps to get free licenses for your school

  • You must be an English Teacher or a Headmaster at a school in Colombia

  • Please fill in our request form completely

  • We will process your request and contact you if there are any doubts

  • We will send you the student and teacher licenses by email in Excel and PDF so that you can distribute them

  • Your teachers can watch here our short videos for Primary and Secondary to learn how to use it

  • If you have any doubt, you can contact us anytime at

Contacta con nosotros

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