10 Questions You Should Ask your Students at the Beginning of the School Year

Un joven con la espalda hacia la cámara, llevando una mochila, listo para comenzar un nuevo año escolar.

The start of a new school year is the perfect time to get to know your students better. Asking the right questions at the beginning of the year will not only help you understand their needs and expectations, but will also allow you to create an inclusive and welcoming learning environment from day one.


1. What did you do this summer? Instead of asking where they have gone on vacation, this open-ended question invites students to share personal experiences, whether they have travelled or not, avoiding assumptions.

2. Do you have a nickname or another name you would like to be called by? Some students will not mention their preferred name unless asked. Respecting their choice fosters a sense of belonging and shows that you value their identity.

3. What do you like about school? Understanding what students like about school helps tailor lessons to their interests and shows that you care about what they are passionate about.


4. What don’t you like about school? Identifying areas that students do not like can provide information about possible challenges and opportunities to look our for in the classroom.


5. What do you expect to learn this year and how can I help you? Understanding your learners’ expectations helps you align your lessons with their learning objectives, ensuring that the content is relevant, motivating and that you understand how best to approach them.


6. What does it mean to you to be a “good student”? Do you think you are a good student? This question encourages self-reflection and helps you understand students’ personal definitions of success and responsibility.


7. What would your ideal teacher and classroom be like? Knowing your students’ expectations allows you to adjust your teaching style to better meet their needs and create a positive learning environment.

8. What kind of job would you like to have when you grow up? Knowing your students’ career aspirations can help you connect classroom activities to their future goals and interests.

9. What digital tools do you like to use to learn? Understanding student preferences for digital tools helps you integrate technology effectively into your teaching.

10. Do you have a good working environment at home? This question helps you understand the support students have outside of school and how it might impact their learning, allowing you to offer additional resources if needed.

Taking the time to ask these questions at the beginning of the school year can make a big difference in how the school year unfolds. By getting to know your students better, you can tailor your teaching so that everyone feels valued and supported on their path to success. Have a great school year with your class!